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  • Attack North - 2024-2025

Attack North - 2024-2025

Price Options
Attack North - Girls
$400.00every month for 2 months

To accept the non-refundable roster spot, please respond ASAP to this email, register, AND pay non-refundable FIRST TEAM PAYMENT on-line by Wednesday, 8/14 for your specific incoming 2024-2025 grade.

The total fee for the team is $800. The payment schedule breaks down as follows –

Due 8/14 - $400.00

Due 9/14 - $400.00


Payments will be reoccurring using the same card for 2 months until the final balance is paid.  If a payment is declined or you need to use a different card on upcoming payments, then you will need to let us know.  Likewise, all payments need to be received before the season starts or players will not be allowed to participate in the season.


Method of payment: Credit Card is preferred and requested.  The final payments will then be deducted automatically on the specific dates mentioned above.  If you wish to write a check, please pay the entire team amount.  Checks can be made out to “SUPREME COURTS”.  If you have extenuating circumstances and need a different method of payment, please contact Coach Tyson directly.

Uniform Package

Illinois Attack will provide more information on uniforms soon.  Those details will be emailed to everyone and provide information on the uniform package.

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